Welcome to the Pohangina Valley
Pohangina stretches from the Oroua River to the Ruahine Range and from Ashhurst to Apiti, and has a wealth and diversity of history, natural beauty, activities and talent.
This website is to be an easy-access portal to the best of it.
If you live here, or just love the place, this is your website.
Please get in touch with submissions, suggestions and feedback about how we can make it better.
First flowering of Pyrus at the Domain
Photo – Liz Besley
Got a great photo of valley life? Send it in and see it featured here.

What’s new:
- Book exchangeThe next book exchange is scheduled for the 4th September
- Jackie Goes Prima DivaPohangina Hall 3rd June 2023 at 7.30 PM Sold Out BYO Drinks, Supper provided Homegrown chanteuse Jackie Clarke turns her powerhouse vocals, wicked humour and maverick entertainment style to interpret the songs of the 20 th and 21st Centuries most legendary divas. Ms Clarke pays homage to Judy Garland, Shirley Bassey, Peggy Lee, Barbra Streisand and… Read more: Jackie Goes Prima Diva
- Flood recovery reportHi community Many thanks to the large number of you that turned out yesterday to hear from Jon Roygard of Horizons, mayor Helen Worboys of MDC, MPI, MRSS & RFST & have the presence of FMG, DoC, Beef & Lamb & Dairy NZ as well as Ian McKelvie & Suze Redmayne Below is a summary… Read more: Flood recovery report
- Downhill Walk 2022Saturday 12th November 2022 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Take a shuttle bus ride to the top of Ridge Road for an easy walk down The Branch Road Walkway through 6kms of farmland and native bush back to the Pohangina township and to County Fayre, where a light lunch awaits you (all included in price).… Read more: Downhill Walk 2022
- Domain Progress2022 August edition Take a look at these photos to see what has been happening at the Domain. Cam Bird has done an extremely high quality job of fencing, both 8 wire battened and 4 wire electric, four board walks and gate ways. Come down and admire his work if you get a chance. Cam… Read more: Domain Progress
- Next PVCC MeetingThe next meeting of the Pohangina Valley Community committee is at Country Fayre at 7pm on the 6th of October Please come along, everyone is welcome!
- Nibbles and Drinks evening16 September at County Fayre. Doors open at 5.00pm. BYO drinks and finger food to share. Tea and coffee will be available. This is a monthly event so put it on your calendar. Come along and bring your neighbour too, the more the merrier!
- Recap – Social Solutions for more sustainable livingSaturday November 19th, 10am – 3pm $20 Waged / $15 Unwaged This workshop will introduce participants to a permaculture approach to connected community: from small place-making interventions within existing neighborhoods to design considerations forintentional eco-communities savings pools, tool-sharing and other relationship-based responses to financial challenges social technologies for facilitating group process and making shared decisions… Read more: Recap – Social Solutions for more sustainable living