2022 August edition

Take a look at these photos to see what has been happening at the Domain.
Cam Bird has done an extremely high quality job of fencing, both 8 wire battened and 4 wire electric, four board walks and gate ways. Come down and admire his work if you get a chance. Cam has also offered to sponsor the electric unit which will be big enough to power all the Domain electric fencing now and in the future. He is also going to make a special protective housing for it. Thanks, Cam, for your generosity.
And look at that gorgeous picket gate painstakingly restored by Rob Kay. You did a superb job Rob!
The Domain Project has also been supported significantly by other sponsorship in the second stage of development reaching a magnificent total of $6,512.50.
$2,637.50 from Leafland
$1000 from Lumberland
$2,875 from the community for tree sponsorship
We are indebted to all those people in the community who have taken part in the Sponsor a tree programme. It was hugely successful. And special thanks to Donna Craft who has donated $300 that will go towards the first seat.
The next part of the transformation will take place on 20th August at Planting Working Bee. If you don’t get a chance to walk in or drive past the Domain, we’ll include photos from the same spots so you can compare in the October newsletter. Anyone is welcome to come along to the working bee. We are fortunate to have David Sapsford offer to auger holes prior if the weather is favourable for tractor work. And we also have an offer from Fay and Rob Partington who will bring a hand-held auger on the day. Please bring spades as they will still be needed for fine tuning. Also wheelbarrows and containers to carry water and mulch.
-Liz Besley