The next book exchange is scheduled for the 4th September
Author: sam
Jackie Goes Prima Diva

Pohangina Hall
3rd June 2023 at 7.30 PM
Sold Out
BYO Drinks, Supper provided
Homegrown chanteuse Jackie Clarke turns her powerhouse vocals, wicked humour and maverick entertainment style to interpret the songs of the 20 th and 21st Centuries most legendary divas.
Ms Clarke pays homage to Judy Garland, Shirley Bassey, Peggy Lee, Barbra Streisand and more! From Alberta Hunter to Dolly Parton, from Kate Bush to Lady Gaga, Jackie lets her
diva flag fly, while playfully interacting with the audience with trademark witty panache.

Accompanied by her trusty sidekick Maestro on piano, expect iconic songs performed with tender soul and gleeful virtuosity.
In 2018 Jackie Clarke was awarded an MNZM for services to entertainment; 40 years treading the boards in theatre, (Mamma Mia, Shirley Valentine) music (When The Cat’s Been Spayed, The Lady Killers) and T.V. (NZ Idol).
Don’t miss this rollicking show of bravura song styling, dazzling frockage, pin-drop moments and plenty of laughs from a NZ dairy-fed Diva with her feet on the ground and her head
amongst the stars.
Downhill Walk 2022
Saturday 12th November 2022
8:00 am – 2:00 pm

Take a shuttle bus ride to the top of Ridge Road for an easy walk down The Branch Road Walkway through 6kms of farmland and native bush back to the Pohangina township and to County Fayre, where a light lunch awaits you (all included in price).
Buses leave County Fayre every 45 minutes at the following times: 8:00am; 8:45am; 9:30am; 10:15am; 11:00am; 11:45am; 12:30pm; 1:15pm and 2:00pm. Time slots must be booked, please advise when booking which time you would prefer, we will try to accommodate you.
YOU MUST BOOK and PRE-PAY for this event
To book your ticket email:
Adults $30, Children $15.00 (5 to 15yr),
Family $100 (2 Adults & 4 Children), under 5’s free
NO Dogs or Pushchairs/Prams allowed on the track
Domain Progress
2022 August edition

Take a look at these photos to see what has been happening at the Domain.
Cam Bird has done an extremely high quality job of fencing, both 8 wire battened and 4 wire electric, four board walks and gate ways. Come down and admire his work if you get a chance. Cam has also offered to sponsor the electric unit which will be big enough to power all the Domain electric fencing now and in the future. He is also going to make a special protective housing for it. Thanks, Cam, for your generosity.
And look at that gorgeous picket gate painstakingly restored by Rob Kay. You did a superb job Rob!
The Domain Project has also been supported significantly by other sponsorship in the second stage of development reaching a magnificent total of $6,512.50.
$2,637.50 from Leafland
$1000 from Lumberland
$2,875 from the community for tree sponsorship
We are indebted to all those people in the community who have taken part in the Sponsor a tree programme. It was hugely successful. And special thanks to Donna Craft who has donated $300 that will go towards the first seat.
The next part of the transformation will take place on 20th August at Planting Working Bee. If you don’t get a chance to walk in or drive past the Domain, we’ll include photos from the same spots so you can compare in the October newsletter. Anyone is welcome to come along to the working bee. We are fortunate to have David Sapsford offer to auger holes prior if the weather is favourable for tractor work. And we also have an offer from Fay and Rob Partington who will bring a hand-held auger on the day. Please bring spades as they will still be needed for fine tuning. Also wheelbarrows and containers to carry water and mulch.
-Liz Besley
Next PVCC Meeting
The next meeting of the Pohangina Valley Community committee is at Country Fayre at 7pm on the 6th of October
Please come along, everyone is welcome!
Saturday November 19th, 10am – 3pm
$20 Waged / $15 Unwaged
This workshop will introduce participants to a permaculture approach to connected community:
- from small place-making interventions within existing neighborhoods to design considerations for
intentional eco-communities - savings pools, tool-sharing and other relationship-based responses to financial challenges
- social technologies for facilitating group process and making shared decisions

Registrations Essential:
Recap permaculture garden tour
RECAP Composting Workshop
A theoretical and practical session around how to build great compost by creating compost for the community orchard.
Saturday September 17th, 1pm – 3pm

Small Garden Design
Saturday September 3rd, 10am – 3pm

County Fayre – August 2022
“County Fayre is the creative, social and historical heart of the Pohangina Valley”
Open Sundays 1:00pm to 4:00pm
We are excited to announce that our major fundraising event “The Pohangina Downhill Walk” will take place again this year and is booked for Saturday, 12th November 2022. Take a shuttle bus ride to the top of Ridge Road for an easy walk down The Branch Road Walkway through 6kms of farmland and native bush, back to the Pohangina township and to County Faye, there a light lunch will await you, all included in the ticket price. Tickets cost Adults $30, Children $15 (5-15) and Family $100 (2 Adults & 4 Children) with under 5’s free. Shuttles will leave County Fayre every 45 minutes with the first departing at 8:00am. To find out more and to book your tickets email
County Fayre sponsored a community gathering on Saturday, 18th June, which was held in the Pohangina Community Hall. A big thank you to Paul Geange and Vicki Pask for organising this, what a fantastic event. This was very well attended and it was great to see and meet new families. Craft and colouring activities kept the children entertained while entertainment was provided by Emmanuel and his guitar and a local group “Take Your Pick”. In addition, a special performance was provided by Cole Buchanan on his bagpipes. Keep an ear open for future performances from Cole who plans to busk outside County Faye during the warmer months. These gatherings are a perfect opportunity to get back into the community spirit and get to know others in your neighbourhood, let’s hope there will be more in the future.
One of County Fare’s aims is to provide an outlet for high quality craft work, we are very proud to display and sell work produced by our local artisans. Are you looking for an alternative place to display and sell your creations, your work would be displayed alongside NZ award winning cheeses, honey producers, authors, artworks, skin care products and many different crafts all produced by locals. If this is you, please contact us by emailing
County Fare is a charitable organisation and as such donates funds back into our community to local Not-For-Profit Organisation. Are you a sports or social group in need of funds for a particular activity or equipment? Know of a family whose child would love to join a group but cannot afford the fees? Write to us at and tell us how we may be able to help you.
County Fare applied to Central Energy Trust for a grant for the purchase and installation of 2 heat pumps and are pleased to announce that we were successful in our application and have been granted 75% of the cost. The remainder will be funded by County Fayre. These are still to be installed due to delays in shipping however once received will be installed in the main area and in the library, keeping County Fare warm during those cold months and cool during the summer. Many thanks to Central Energy Trust for the funds.
The new skylight window is ready to be installed. We are waiting on the builder and good weather to come together. Many thanks to Manawatu District Council for funding this upgrade.
Community BYO Drinks & Nibbles are held at County Faye on the 3rd Friday of each month providing a venue and opportunity for friends and neighbours to get together in a social environment. The next two evenings are planned for Friday’s, 19th August and 16th September, running from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Bring along your own drinks and nibbles to share as well as your friends and neighbours for a long-awaited social gathering. Tea and coffee will be provided.
Its Father’s Day on Sunday, 4th September 2022, and we are celebrating our fathers by providing a small gift to all fathers who venture into County Fayre and we will be open from 1:00pm to 4:00pm.
WE ARE ALWAYS IN NEED OF HELP! We rely fully on volunteers, people who generously give up their time to ensure County Faye continues to function and thrive. We are currently open Sundays from 1:00pm to 4:00pm and are seeking new people to join us. Duties would include: preparing afternoon teas, serving customers, clearing tables, washing dishes and cleaning after closing. One afternoon once a month from 12:30pm to 4:30pm helping in the tea room is all that would be expected. If you would like to be part of this volunteer team, drop in on Sunday, enjoy a Devonshire tea and have a chat with the volunteers or email us at and check out our Facebook page
Did you know there is a public library in Pohangina Village? It is located in the County Faye building. If you would like to become part of this library, which functions under the umbrella of the Feilding Library, make contact and we can help you join up. If you already belong to Feilding Library and would like to access books outside the hours of County Fare, keys are available at the cost of $10, which covers the key cutting charge. Contact us at We also run a ‘swap a book’ here too, come in and browse the shelves, there are lots of good books to choose from.