
Domain Progress

2022 August edition

Take a look at these photos to see what has been happening at the Domain.

Cam Bird has done an extremely high quality job of fencing, both 8 wire battened and 4 wire electric, four board walks and gate ways. Come down and admire his work if you get a chance. Cam has also offered to sponsor the electric unit which will be big enough to power all the Domain electric fencing now and in the future. He is also going to make a special protective housing for it. Thanks, Cam, for your generosity.

And look at that gorgeous picket gate painstakingly restored by Rob Kay. You did a superb job Rob!

The Domain Project has also been supported significantly by other sponsorship in the second stage of development reaching a magnificent total of $6,512.50.

$2,637.50 from Leafland
$1000 from Lumberland
$2,875 from the community for tree sponsorship

We are indebted to all those people in the community who have taken part in the Sponsor a tree programme. It was hugely successful. And special thanks to Donna Craft who has donated $300 that will go towards the first seat.

The next part of the transformation will take place on 20th August at Planting Working Bee. If you don’t get a chance to walk in or drive past the Domain, we’ll include photos from the same spots so you can compare in the October newsletter. Anyone is welcome to come along to the working bee. We are fortunate to have David Sapsford offer to auger holes prior if the weather is favourable for tractor work. And we also have an offer from Fay and Rob Partington who will bring a hand-held auger on the day. Please bring spades as they will still be needed for fine tuning. Also wheelbarrows and containers to carry water and mulch.

-Liz Besley


Domain update

The above photo shows the much-improved oval pasture with the rushes under control. Thanks must go Duncan de Burgh of Recreation Services who has worked to achieve this. After discussing with him about what would be best to do over winter it was decided to refrain from mowing over July and August when grass growth is slow and it can be wet. Lindi Relling continues to graze the oval with her 30 sheep which is part of her ‘village rotation’. Thanks also to Marty Pratt for that summer mow including all the edges and old tennis court area. The rushes in those areas have taken a knock but will need another mow in the near future.
There are also some large rosette stage Scotch thistles that need to be “grubbed’. And great to have the broken tree support batten replaced- thanks Rob Kay.

It is great news that the submission made to Manawatu District Council as part of the 10 Year Plan was confirmed on 27 July as successful, with $10,000 allocated yearly for a period of 3 years. The next step is to coordinate a gathering of interested community members to discuss how we prioritise and move forward with the next stage of development. The date for this meeting is yet to be decided but will aim to be on site with Julie Ann Bolton and Mike Etheridge offering to host at their place if the weather is not good. It will be advertised on Facebook and via email.
Brent Besley and Marty Pratt have worked on the yards on several separate days over the past few months. The measurements for gates have been given to Lumberland and the final job will be to swing them. This will bring to completion the first stage of the project to develop the Domain with a healthy surplus of 2017/18 submission funding remaining.
It has to be said that the reason for the project’s buoyant financial position is due to the community for its generous donation in terms of hours given and sponsored merchandise and services. The Sponsor’s Board acknowledges these but there are some individuals who have put in huge hours and some businesses who have donated 100% of certain products and we as a community are particularly indebted to them. This has been documented and it was this data presented in the latest submission that helped MDC measure the community’s commitment to the project.
The fallen tree that was cut up & stacked by Dave Roberts and John Brock last winter has been delivered to several grateful recipients coordinated by Brent Besley & Stu Davison on behalf of Lions Club. Thanks guys!